5 Step Process to Start to Hitting Goals in the New Year

Author: J.I.P. & ASSOCIATES INC. |


Here at J.I.P. & Associates, Inc., we know that what we do today we will see those results in 90 days… so how do you get started? Many people set new year goals “new year, new life” type of feel and this only lasts a few days or weeks before they are back to their old habits.

“A new year means new opportunity for growth which I am truly excited about. I want meet any and all challenges head on . This year is truly about leveling up” said Jerrick Powell, J.I.P. & Associates, Inc. CEO.

To become a different person in the new year and hit new goals, you yourself need to change. Yet, many people do not like change… so it is time to embrace being uncomfortable because that is where your life and situation will become different!

“If you do what you have always done, then you will get what you have always gotten.” Said Miriam Carlinbryan, Sr. Operations Manager with J.I.P. & Associates, Inc.

This is a great reminder that if we want to see different results, we have to take different actions. To achieve success, we need to be open to new ideas, take risks, and be willing to learn from our mistakes. It is only by pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone that we can open the door to true growth and progress.

We have compiled a 5 Step Process in how to start hitting your goals in the new year to help you get started!

  1. Start small. Set achievable goals that are easy to accomplish. That way, when you reach them, you will gain the motivation and confidence to set bigger goals.
  2. Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This makes it much easier to stay on track and complete the entire goal.
  3. Make a plan. Set deadlines for each task, and make sure to stick to them. This will keep you from procrastinating and ensure you stay on target.
  4. Celebrate your successes. Reward yourself for achieving each goal and for completing each task. This will help keep you motivated.
  5. Get an accountability partner. Having someone to check in with and report your progress to will keep you motivated and on track. If you have a mentor or even a spouse or significant other, even your children; this also brings accountability and allows them to know the “why” you are working so hard!

Now that you have the process, be sure to take the action. Do not let another year get away from you… start today! It is never too late to get started. Jerrick continued to explain,

“I plan invigorating my team, by challenging them to set new goals, and push them to hit their goals. Apart of setting and hitting goals, is growth. Growing in ways they've never imagined.”

For more tips and tricks on hitting goals be sure to continue to follow us on social media!